Postal Mail / Voice Contact

Michelle Snead Portrait Artist of Raleigh, North Carolina

For payments or any other written correspondence please utilize the postal address below:

Postal Mailing Address:
Michelle Snead
10508 Leslie Drive
Raleigh NC 27615-1246

I look forward to hearing from my past and current clients as well as future clients. I can be contacted via voice at:



Click here to submit your questions about custom portraiture.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Michelle Snead

Michelle Snead portraiture artist of Raleigh, North Carolina has been painting commissioned oil and pastel portraiture for almost three decades. North Carolina Portrait Artist. NC Portrait Artist. Portrait artist in North Carolina. Portrait artist in NC. Raleigh NC portrait artist. Raleigh North Carolina portrait artist. Portrait artist in Raleigh, NC. Portrait artist in Raleigh North Carolina. Portrait artist in Greensboro North Carolina. Portrait artist in Charlotte North Carolina. Boys oil portraits. Boys pastel portraits. Girls pastel portraits. Girls oil portraits. Adult oil portraits. Portrait paintings. Oil portraits. Paintings of mountains. Paintings of flowers. Florals. Landscape paintings. Paintings of Duke Gardens