Publication Articles

Michelle Snead portraiture artist of Raleigh, North Carolina


The Daily Dispatch
Henderson, NC
March 29, 2008

The late Judge Weldon Lloyd's portrait was unveiled at the Vance County Courthouse. Michelle Snead of Raleigh, was commissioned to paint the portrait by the Ninth Judicial District and the Vance County Bar association.

Article from Paper


The Raleigh News & Observer
June 2008

Parents realize that time passes so quickly and they’re not going to be able to remember it,” said Snead, who has been painting portraits for more than 20 years. “They want to remember that time before their kids start maturing.”

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cary_magazineCary Magazine
May/June 2007

Raleigh artist Michelle Snead balances her painting time between commissioned portraits and other works, including landscapes and florals. Portraiture became her passion more than 20 years ago because of her fascination with people of all ages.

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luxury_livingLuxury Living
Winter 2007

The art of portraiture is a noble tradition, with the earliest representation of identifiable individuals in works of art dating back to Egypt in approximately 3100 B.C. The artistic imagry of nobility and other renowned figures continued through the ages, flourishing in sculpture in ancient Greece and Rome, and on canvas and panel in portraits during the Renaissance in western Europe.

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Wakefield Living
Fall 2003/Winter 2004

From rudimentary cave drawings to the Mona Lisa, the painted portrait has long been mankind's tool for capturing a slice of time, preserving one's deeds or depicting a person's likeness through the ages. Raleigh based portraiture artist, Michelle Snead, has been doing this for over 20 years.

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