Publicly Displayed Art

Michelle Snead portraiture artist of Raleigh, North Carolina

A generous selection of Michelle Snead’s artwork is usually displayed at Frameworks Gallery and Frame Design located on Dixie Trail in Raleigh, NC. Included among the paintings are landscapes, florals and still lifes.

They have sponsored three solo shows in past years.

No shows are presently scheduled for the near future.

Corporate portraits may be found publicly hung at hospitals, boardrooms, churches, and courtrooms.

Michelle Snead portraiture artist of Raleigh, North Carolina has been painting commissioned oil and pastel portraiture for almost three decades. North Carolina Portrait Artist. NC Portrait Artist. Portrait artist in North Carolina. Portrait artist in NC. Raleigh NC portrait artist. Raleigh North Carolina portrait artist. Portrait artist in Raleigh, NC. Portrait artist in Raleigh North Carolina. Portrait artist in Greensboro North Carolina. Portrait artist in Charlotte North Carolina. Boys oil portraits. Boys pastel portraits. Girls pastel portraits. Girls oil portraits. Adult oil portraits. Portrait paintings. Oil portraits. Paintings of mountains. Paintings of flowers. Florals. Landscape paintings. Paintings of Duke Gardens